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Scissors and sharpening machine


My step-by-step process for shear maintenance

1.  Have a conversation with the customer about any issues with the shear besides dullness.  Perform a cursory inspection and identify any potential problem areas.

2.  Perform a test cut to get a performance baseline.  Clean the shear, perform a detailed analysis and come up with a game plan for the service.

3.  Disassemble the shear, cleaning all parts and making note of the assembly.

4.  Use a scratch test to determine the cutting angle, then use a machine to establish the cutting edge using the least aggressive abrasives needed to effectively prepare the edge.

5.  For convex shears- Perform cosmetic work on the face of the shear to maintain a true convex edge.

6.  Work the hone line using whetstones to acquire a razor sharp edge.

7.  Oil and assemble the shear, set tension, perform any handle adjustments if needed, match the tips, and perform multiple test cuts to ensure the shear is performing at its highest level.


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